• Contain messes by housing sticky or spill-able food items on an easy-to-clean space like a Lazy Susan.
  • Give cookbooks a dedicated space.
  • Start hanging dish towels, aprons etc. for better use of space.
  • Store items by use. Think about your space where you use an item as well. For instance plastic bags & plastic wrap could be stored close to the fridge.
  • Group objects together for instance place all cookware below or next to oven.
  • Designate a cooking zone around the stove, keeping close all the utensils, spices etc. that you will use daily.
  • Stow utensils and tools effectively - think out of the box here. Think double duty - mugs could be used for storage of cutlery for instance teaspoons.
  • File plastic containers and lids or place lids on correct containers and stack if you do not have that many.
  • You might even want to consider a board rack for all your plastic lids - this is even useful for cooking pot lids.
  • Install sliding shelf containers, especially for heavy pots.
  • Divide drawers for cutlery - nowadays you will find many different dividers to suit your personal preference.
  • If you are starting a new kitchen or have limited storage space consider colour coding your appliances that will be on display.  White or stainless steel are not your only options.
  • Introduce baskets especially for your fresh foods or for things that you may not use often.  This can then be stored on top of cupboards.
  • Happy organising!

I recently moved house and was searching for ideas to simplify the move, as we did not make use of a moving company.

Here are my Top 10 tips:

1. Get boxes from your local grocery store – find out when their delivery date is and collect on that day. Get bubble wrap for fragile pieces and paintings...

2. Organise someone to take care of your pets while you move. 

3. Pack over time – I started 3 weeks prior to our move as I only had time to pack in the evenings. Heavy items in small boxes, this will really spare your back…and keep the box in tact.

4. Make a packing supply container with essentials like packing tape, permanent pen to write on the boxes, scissors, rope, small coin bags to keep screws and small items together, etc.

5. Label your boxes with the name of the room that the box is allocated to. For example main bedroom, study or kitchen. Mark boxes fragile if necessary.

6. Box valuable items together and keep it separate.

7. Unplug your refrigerator 1-2 days prior to the move so it can defrost completely and let it stand about 2 hours after the move for the gases to settle.

8. Use cling film to wrap cutlery trays, this saves on packing and unpacking.

9. Use garbage bags to cover your hanging clothes. This makes it easy to just place it in the car and right back in your new cupboard.

10. Lastly, pack an essentials bag for the first night in the new house. You do not want to search in boxes or bags when you are tired and just want a shower and a bed.

Remember the toilet paper!!

Helpful links:

Tips on how to organise your wardrobe


A first aid kit check list and other helpful printable lists


Feel free to share your ideas with us.

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